Dec 11 2008

Sunset Skater

Rece’s doctor appointment was canceled at the last minute (with us sitting in the waiting room!) so we had some time to spare before picking up Sam for dinner. My first thoughts were to capture the sunset as a reflection off some buildings, but I couldn’t find a building or the right angle to pull it off. We headed down to the same park I took the previous sunset photo to see what we could find.

 Sunset Skater

When we arrived Rece spotted some of his friends from school skating around the park. We asked them if it would be OK for me to snap some pictures of them doing some tricks and they agreed. I have to say that shooting photos in low light situations and trying to capture action is no easy task. I liked the action and framing of this shot, though there were a couple that would have been perfect had I been to the left or right a bit more.

Afterward, we picked up Sam and ate at Johnny’s Burger Joint, a new place not far from where Sam and Christine live. Good burgers and cold (29.7° F) beer really hit the spot.

This entry wishes it could perform a kick flip.

Dec 8 2008


I think I’m going to amend my saying that I’ll take and post a picture every day this month to be more like I’ll take a picture everyday, but it may take a day to actually post it. That being said, I’ll still do my best to post it on the same day that I take it.

December 7, 2008

I went to the store to pick up a couple of things and when I got out there was this vivid sunset starting to form. I hurried to my car and drove to the nearest spot I knew of where I might capture it. What I like best about this shot (aside from the fact it was a beautiful sunset) is the row of palm trees in silhouette.

The park I went to take this turned out to be a place where quite a few people were gathering to enjoy the view. Couples holding hands, a woman walking a dog, an older fellow doing the same as I was – taking pictures – were all there taking in the beauty of a Southern California sunset with the uncommon addition of a cloudy sky to give the light something to play with.

This entry never gets tired of sunset.