Dec 8 2008


I think I’m going to amend my saying that I’ll take and post a picture every day this month to be more like I’ll take a picture everyday, but it may take a day to actually post it. That being said, I’ll still do my best to post it on the same day that I take it.

December 7, 2008

I went to the store to pick up a couple of things and when I got out there was this vivid sunset starting to form. I hurried to my car and drove to the nearest spot I knew of where I might capture it. What I like best about this shot (aside from the fact it was a beautiful sunset) is the row of palm trees in silhouette.

The park I went to take this turned out to be a place where quite a few people were gathering to enjoy the view. Couples holding hands, a woman walking a dog, an older fellow doing the same as I was – taking pictures – were all there taking in the beauty of a Southern California sunset with the uncommon addition of a cloudy sky to give the light something to play with.

This entry never gets tired of sunset.