A blog full of GiR :P

Archive for March, 2009

Radio Rampage

by on Mar.05, 2009, under Uncategorized

Every time you get in your car, you usually listen to the radio. Some construction workers listen to the radio while working. I myself listened(or used to listen) to it while doing homework. But now, it seems impossible to listen to any good songs going consecutively because all I hear is Jason Miraz’s new song, “I’m Yours” I think it’s called, which, by the way, isn’t all that great(no offence, Jason Miraz) and listening to what the radio stations are playing just to stay on air is, quite frankly, not so good.

Ever since Indie 103.1 went down, I didn’t really bother listening to the radio during homework, so I started listening to the Adam Carolla Show on my mp3 player because my mom downloaded the show from the website and I just popped in the downloaded stuff straight into my mp3 player. That has now stopped and I think you know why. Because that radio station went down as well! wtf! One station was enough, but two? That just threw me overboard.

The radio stations you hear today are probably still on because they play stuff they were, in a sense, forced to play so they could stay on air. Even then the music they play has been played out too much too fast so now it’s crap. The music they play is no longer entertaining because they played it too gorramn much and now some of us can’t stand it anymore. Give us our radio stations and don’t shove music down our throat if we don’t want it.

GiR Wants His Music Back.

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A New Beginning :D

by on Mar.04, 2009, under Uncategorized

The beginning is here! This will be my way of sharing all rants in my head. I thank all who read this, and my dad for making the blog for me.

GiR is on a mission.

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