I just discovered a cool service called Qik. It allows you to live stream video from your phone to their website, plus it saves it for later. I’m only using the free service to see how I like it for now. To view my live stream you can either click on the Videos link above, or go to:
Not much at this point other than my lame first video test.
This entry will make lemons out of lemonade.
no comments | posted in Oddities, Technology, Videos, Webcams
I don’t know why this hasn’t made the news, but it appears that Okinawa, Japan is being overrun by giant insects!

I have a rotating webcam gadget on my iGoogle page that loads a random webcam shot from around the world every 30 seconds. This popped up some time last week. It was so odd that I decided to grab a quick screenshot of it.
This entry just came down with a case of the creepy crawlies.
1 comment | posted in Ew!, Oddities, Webcams
I’ve got another webcam going. This one uses my existing webcam and doesn’t require IE or a username/password to view. Check it out at:
BuzzKill Cam
I’ll play with it a little more in the near future, possibly making it a new page (tab) on my site. Okay, now off to work I go!
Edit: I’ve figured out the code needed to get it working on my own website. Check out the new page tab (above)!
This entry likes to play with webcams!
1 comment | posted in Webcams
For a time I’ve got another webcam set up in my living room. This one is extra-tasty-cool-and-shit … it’s robotic! So if you want to give it a whirl, be my guest and check it out.
Username: webcam1, webcam2, or webcam3
NOTE: This only works on Internet Explorer only. It’ll require you to allow the installation of an ActiveX component.
Robotic BuzzKill Cam
Please don’t comment on the mess, because I really don’t care.
This entry might do a dance for you, if you watch.
2 comments | posted in Technology, Webcams