Taco Tuesday

There’s this sort of regular thing we (Christine, Sam, Rece, and I) do almost every Tuesday. It started off when Christine was taking some more college courses and asked if we wouldn’t mind hanging out with Sam while she was in class on Tuesday evenings. To make things easy (and cheap) we began going to Del Taco for their cheap, 3 for $ .99 tacos. This got old real fast, so we began checking out other local taco places for their dollar taco specials. We now have a few places to choose from – and while it isn’t always tacos, it tends to be Latino cuisine,

Tonight I thought it would be fun to make tacos at home with fresh ingredients and fry our own tortilla shells for a change. As usual, the tacos were delicous, but we ended up with some extra shells left over.

 December 16, 2008 - Taco Tuesday

Had I been thinking about it earlier, I would have snapped some photos of the tacos we actually ate. Delicious!

This entry can’t believe how unbelievably boring this post has been.