Happy Halloween!
Went out Trick or Treating with Rece, Sam, and Anna (Sam’s friend) earlier tonight. It was a lot of fun and because I had dressed up for work, I was already in costume. Some people went out of their way to really create some spooky scenes in their yards.
My only gripe about the evening is about those people who decorate for the occasion, but don’t pass out candy. The worst offenders are those who decorate AND leave a porch light on, but don’t answer their door (come on, we can see the light from the TV!!). In my day, that would have been an open invitation for having their carved pumpkins smashed, their door egged (or worse), and other “Tricks” played on them. I just think it’s rude. At least turn off the light – or leave a note on the door letting the kids know you’re not passing out candy. Is that too much to ask?
The festivities at work were a lot of fun. This was definitely the best participation received for an event since I’ve started working there. A lot of the staff dressed up and it was entertaining to see the various ideas that people came up with.
My costume was Count Sporkula. Basically it was a vampire outfit with a large spork behind the head, like a high collar. I would plant sporks on the chairs of people when they weren’t looking, causing a bit of a mystery until I revealed my character at the potluck lunch. I’ll post some pictures to my Flickr account within the next couple of days. I’m tired from all the walking! Good night!
This entry doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth, but loves Nerds,
Peanut M&Ms, and Reese’s Mini Peanut Butter Cups!