Early Christmas
Christine’s daughter, Sam, flies back to New York every year to spend winter break and Christmas with her father. For the last 3 years Rece and I have had the pleasure of joining them for their celebration of Christmas the day before she leaves. We share their tradition of orange cinnamon rolls and exchanging gifts and spending time together doing some fun things.
Despite how it may appear, Sam wasn’t tired or in a bad mood – I just caught her off-guard.
To be honest, the original shot wasn’t very good at all. When I opened it in Photoshop I didn’t have a clue as to what to do with it, so I just fixed the red eye and let Photoshop auto correct the tone, color, contrast, etc and then I cropped it to what you see here. I think it turned out pretty good.
This entry now understands that a bad shot can sometimes be a good one.