
There’s a beehive under a water valve cover in the parking lot at work. I noticed them more when it was warmer and had almost forgotten about them until today. It must have been because it was warmer today that the bees were abuzz with activity. I just so happened to park next to their hive and saw it as an opportunity to take some pictures. After shooting a dozen or so pictures and previewing them I realized that I had again forgotten about the camera settings and everything was completely overexposed – and not in a fun, artsy way either. I snapped another dozen and came up with a few decent shots.

December 9, 2008

The fact that I was in my work clothes and, well, they’re bees, I didn’t get close enough to make a nice large sized photo. So instead, I had to settle for cropping it and living with a smaller image.

This entry was happy that it wasn’t covered in bees!