Not Entirely Pleased With Road Runner!

Well, it’s been about 2 weeks since the change from Comcast to Road Runner (Time Warner) took place. The connection seems to be the same – no outages so far, even with the change to my IP address (which I had held on to for over 2 years) I didn’t notice any hiccups. The main problem I’m having is with email and webmail.

Outlook is my email client of choice, as it incorporates more than just email (calendar, contacts, etc). This is a pretty standard piece of software used all over the world for email communications. The information provided for POP3 & SMTP (standard formats to receive and send email) by Road Runner don’t seem to be what I need and/or they aren’t accepting my username/email address properly. So when I attempt to check email, I get the username and password screen. What especially odd is when I use the same log-on information to get into webmail (their web-based email system) it works… well, sorta.

So I manage, if I’m lucky the first time, to get myself logged on to webmail. I tend to leave it up and check on it from time to time for new mail. Every so often I’ll go beyond the automatic log-out time period (which is normal) and it’ll require me to log back on. This is where it gets confusing. The username I provided to get in the first time (successfully) won’t work 75% of the time after the time-out period has been passed. What I have to use instead is my email address with the same password. To add to it, about 50% of those times it’ll send me to an error page that says something to the effect it wasn’t able to load the page properly. If I then click my shortcut to webmail – I’ll get to the webmail interface just fine. See why I’m frustrated?

There’s a handy link in the top-right part of webmail to “Live Support OnLine” which does absolutely nothing unless I have the Road Runner tools installed. See these tools were something I was tricked into installing when the change happened, when I thought all I was doing was migrating from one email system to another. It did the annoying “Internet Explorer – brought to you by Road Runner” crap in the title bar and changed the throbber (the icon that shows that IE is working on loading your page up on the top-right of the browser) to the face of the Road Runner character. Lovely. All I wanted to do was to make sure I was able to use the new email address I’m being forced to change (for the 4th time, mind you – MediaOne to AT&T Broadband to Comcast… and now to Road Runner). After the crap installed without my realizing it, I uninstalled it. This means that I’m limited in my support options. As if I would allow any outside company to take over MY computer!?

Okay, okay… I’m rambling a bit, I know. Call it a venting of frustration with yet another buy-out of my cable Internet service. My alternative is to start using Gmail on a regular basis, but I don’t like their email thread system of email management. Looks like I’ll need to call their support center – I hate having to do that! What to do…

This entry just wants to keep his email address, his personal web sites, and his ISP the same!